The Military Tract in central NY as told by

The Balloting Book and other documents relating to Military Bounty lands in th State of NY. Printed by Packhard and VanBenthuysen, Albany (NY) 1825- book is online, free and searchable

In 1792, the state created in Central NY from 11 million acres the lands used to compensate military people who served the state during the Revolutionary War. Lands were given thru a balloting system, to eligible soldiers in the newly created tract. In conjunction to doing this, the land was surveyed by Dewitt Clinton. at the finish of his work, 27 townships (not counties) were created. The newly created towns were surveyed into 100 sections, and l;and given to eligible soldiers. Each town had lots dedicated to schools and Churches, and other lots were given to the surveyors who laid out the townships.

The book had the number and name each township was given.Townships then had a list of 100 eligible soldiers whose land allotment was based an service and final rank attained

The book has an extensive list that covers the act that created the concept, military information the criteria for land by rank attained and whether certain civilan officals pressed in to duty to oversee the project. There is also and index of the 27 townships that were created and given numbers and then names that were picked that honor certain Roman leaders.

There is quite a bit of information pertaining to the laws and acts written to varry out the intent of the creation of the Military Tract.

There are pages dedicated to the individual towns, who recieved the lots in each town, and how many lots were set aside for schools, Churches and other civil functions.

Please bear in mind that the distribution of the lands was done remotely (Albany etc) and the lands were usually unimproved and in very sparsely populated places as a rule wilderness. Having been given land in a remote place and sight unseen, meat that the natural urge to conver land into money meant that not all who were awarded lots actually settled on them and they were sold many times in some cases to those who adventure spirit would make them strong enough to go from soldering to pioneers. That in itself wold make them a rare breed…

On to the towns created when the tract became law in 12792-

Lysander originally township number 1, Hannibal township number 2, Cato township number 3, Brutus township number 4, Camillus township number 5, Cicero township number 6, Manlius township number 7, Aurelius township number 8, Marcellus township number 9, Pompey number 10, Romulus township number 11, Scipio township 12, Sempronius township number 13, Tully township number 14, Fabius township number 15, Ovid township number 16, Milton township number 17, Locke township number 18, Homer township number 19, Solon township number 20, Hector township number 21, Ulysses township number 22, Dryden township number 23. Virgil township number 24, Cincinnatus township number 25, Junius township number 26 and Galen township number 27

Created as township number 5 the name was changed to Camillus and this how the distribution of the towns 100 lots looked like:

To Charles Christian.                Lot 1.         John Ogden.                                       Lot 51

      Capt. Abraham Swartout   Lot 2.         John Storms                                      Lot 52

      William Noyes.                      Lot.3.         Col. Peter Gansevoort                     Lot 53

      James Scaits.                        Lot  4.        Capt. Anthony Fells                         Lot 54

      John Welch.                           Lot 5.         Genl Alexander McDougall           Lot 55

      John Johnston.                     Lot 6.        James Ready.                                    Lot 56

      Benjamin Epton.                   Lot. 7.       Issac Coggleshoudt.                         Lot 57

      Ensign Benjamin Haring    Lot 8.        John Holmes.                                    Lot 58

      Patrick Davis.                        Lot 9.        Lt Prentice Bowen.                          Lot 59

      Lt Abraham Ten Eyck.        Lot 10.     Capt. Abraham Livingston            Lot 60

      Reserved for gospel &c       Lot 11.     Robert Battersby                              Lot 61

      William Lee.                           Lot 12.      Richard Dermott.                             Lot 62

      Patrick Downs.                      Lot 13.     Capt. Charles Graham                     Lot.63

      William Gurtley.                    Lot 14.     Lodowick Bunt.                                 Lot 64

      Reserved for Gospel &c.      Lot 15      Cornelius Blank.                               Lot 65

      William Ackerman.               Lot 16.     Robert Shannon.                              Lot  66

      Lt. Michael Connoly.             Lot  17.    Surgeon John F Vacher.                Lot 67

      Capt. Henry Pawling.            Lot 18      Lt. Col. Jacobus S Bruya.               Lot 68

      Peter Davis.                             Lot. 19.    Henry Stringham.                           Lot 69

      John House.                             Lot 20     Moses Diamond.                               Lot 70

      Nathan Whipple.                     Lot 21.    Lt. Michael Witzell.                         Lot 71

      Abel Jacob.                               Lot.22     Reserved for Gospel &c.                Lot 72

      Major James Rosekrans.     Lot 23      Mark Kerr.                                        Lot 73

      James Luvis.                            Lot 24.    Lt. John Miles.                                 Lot 74

      Francis Horner.                       Lot 25     Lt. Col. Robert Cochran.                Lot 75

      George Houseman.                  Lot 26     Abraham De Clarke.                       Lot 76

      Lt. Henry Swartout.               Lot 27.    Benjamin Holley.                             Lot 77

      Jacob Haring.                           Lot 28     Col. William Malcom.                     Lot 78

     John Corter.                              Lot 29.    Prince Danford.                               Lot 79

     Lt. Issac Guion.                         Lot 30.    Francis Ackling.                              Lot 80

     Nathan Sherwood.                   Lot 31.    William Harrick.                             Lot 81

     Reserved for Gospel &c.         Lot 32.     Henry Buyford                             Lot 82                            

     James Russell.                          Lot 33     Surgeon Ebenezer Haviland       Lot 83

     David Grigg.                               Lot 34.    Lt. Anthony Maxwell.                   Lot 84

     Stephen Flyharty.                    Lot 35.    Reserved for Gospel &c.               Lot 85

     Capt. Benjamin Pelton.           Lot 36.     Elisha Parker.                                Lot 86

     Joseph Collins                           Lot 37      George De Rotter.                          Lot 87

     John Cunningham.                   Lot 38.    Lt. Col. Fredrk Weissenfels         Lot 88

     Daniel Tappen                             Lot 39     Deliverance Martling.                   Lot 89

     James Scott or Scoot.                Lot 40.   Mortecai Hale Surg(mate).          Lot 90

     Surgeon John F Vacher.           Lot 41.   Conrad Conite.                                 Lot 91

     John Williams.                            Lot 42    Lt. Alex McArthur.                         Lot 92

     Surgeon Daniel Minema.          Lot 43    James Collins.                                  Lot 93

     William Thornton.                       Lot 44.   Surgeon Samuel Cook.                  Lot 94

     Col. James Livingston.              Lot 45     Jasper Stagg                                    Lot 95

     Elisha Shell.                                  Lot 46.   Doctor John Mason.                       Lot 96

     Ezekiel Gee                                   Lot 47.    Robert Gibson.                                 Lot 97

     John Parks.                                  Lot 48.   Reserved for Gospel &c                 Lot 98

     George Clarke                              Lot 49.    Richard Dodge                                 Lot 99

     Lt. Anthony Maxwell.                Lot 50    Peter Saltman.                                 Lot 100

updated 06/18/2024

The above list is an example of towns created. Each town as listed below was divided up into 100 lots of 600 acres each. They were given by eligible soldiers, lots were given to the surveyors who worked on each town.Lot in each town were set aside for Churches, Schools and other Government requirements..

The towns created were in order of there creation: Lysander, Hannibal, Cato,Brutus,Camillus,Cicero, Manlius,Aurelius,Marcellus,Pompey,Romulus, Scipio, Sempronius.Tully,Fabius, Ovid,Milton,Locke,Homer,Solon,Hector,Ulysses,Dryden,Virgil,Cincinnatus,Junius,Galen and Sterling

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