Solving for “x”

if township A is created in 1790 (ca) and that town stays relatively unchanged thru 1828, and then a new township B is taken from its land, then the following should true-federal censues thru 1820, have a list of 100 pct of the town. Town “B” is taken in 1828, it is now self contained and counted as new in the 1830 census. The indexes of A and B are created (heads of households) the 1830 census as new names, except some were now removed from B’s list. Those uncounted in “A” s list maybe surmised to be newcomers to the area or mayhave not moved to the area. Are those counted in 1830, considered pioneers? Or were they always there ?

Genealogy is just so much fun with angels and what ifs.

this is an elaboration as to what money could be involved, if the author, is being contemplated as to what charge there might be-

A DIY search that would list the sources needed to determine if your ancestor was ever counted in a town that might be suspected as having lived in or passed thru Or

B author produced excel spreadsheet, that would cover at least to census generated indexes that might confirm their presence or lack there of, in the case of NY, state censuses done every hald decade can give more information than federal documents.

As always working with in your budget, flexible enough to change goals based on new information. Estimates are all ways free. Email thru is preferred, and messaging same info thru FB is available

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